Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm going to Hawaii.

I'm going to Hawaii.

I booked my flight last night.

I'm going to Hawaii.

I'm not going till January 14, 2009, but I'm still going to Hawaii.

And all last night and all this morning, in my head, it's all, i'mgoingtohawaiii'mgoingtohawaiii'mgoingtohawaii!!!!!!!!!

And for the next seven months it's going to be i'mgoingtohawaiii'mgoingtohawaiii'mgoingtohawaiii'mgoingtohawaii!!!!!!!!!

So you and I might be in a deep philosophical discussion about the meaning of life and Barak Obama and rising gas prices and global warming and globalization, but in my head it'll be all like i'mgoingtohawaiii'mgoingtohawaiii'mgoingtohawaii!!!!!!

And you're not.

(unless you want to. come with me. cheap flights. book now!)

1 comment:

Matt Sablan said...

Have fun in Hawaii.

It's not THAT far away.