Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Leaf Peepers 5km Race Countdown: 54 days to train

Last night. 2 miles. 17 minutes.

And still sick.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Leaf Peepers 5km Race Countdown: 58 days to train

My training has been put on hold since I'm still sick- yuck! Unfort I can't make a doctor's appointment until next week so until then I might be laying low with the whole running thing.

I know, I know, horror of horrors! The sorrow, the pain! I shall dream of the pavement passing ever so quickly beneath my fashionably sensible running sneaks. To have to wait to feel the sweet agony of unrelenting pain. The blisters! The sore muscles! The unbearable August sun beating down on my sweating brow! I don't know if my poor heart can take the wait.

But it must! For soon I shall return to my former health (although really, let's be honest here, when am I not sick?) and continue forward with my training with renewed energy and strength to once again put you all to shame with my masterful running time. For after these long, grueling days of training, it will all prove worth it in the end. For there is nothing greater in this life than crossing that finish line to great accolade from your (or at least anthony and jill's) fellow townsmen and receiving that coveted prize of...

A long sleeve t-shirt. Woo hoo!

Too much?

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Leaf Peepers 5km Race Countdown: 59 days to train

Training has been put on hold. I've been sick all week - this is what spending time with nature, doing exercise, and eating salads does to me - so no running since Monday but once I beat this silly little cold I will be back hitting the pavement - faster than ever. Be prepared.