Friday, March 30, 2007

It just looks cool...

Picture of the Day:

Reuters/Andy Gao
A vendor waits for customers to play inside plastic spheres near the seashore in Sanya, China, on March 29, 2007.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Today's notes

I have a serious fear of down escalators so just thinking about this freaks me out.

This makes me smile, but if I'm being honest the picture does skeeve me out a little.

And eww is pretty much the only response I have to this.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

If you wanted to buy this for me...

I'd be okay with that.

“High energy and immediacy characterize the era's graphic design: text was often handwritten and laid out sideways, and trippy cartoons in saturated colors captured a drug-addled generation.”


Fugly Fendi

It's like they took the top half of a flat sandal and slapped it onto a wedge heel and then brilliantly added a kitten heel to the bottom of the wedge. Seperately I think these three shoes are probably really cute, but together...

they kind of make me throw up in my mouth a little.

And also it's $640. There's that vomit-y feeling again.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cuter than the real thing


is way cuter than this:

Also, me and acorn (the stuffed one, not the one on the tree) have a lot in common:
This heavily armored creature enjoys traveling and eating out at restaurants slightly beyond it's price range. Acorn has amassed some credit card debt but keeps the creditors away with it's sharp spines.

Maybe I need to grow some sharp spines.

Get the cuter of the acorns here:

Monday, March 26, 2007

The 'More You Know' portion of this blog

Today's Headlines:

For Some Black Pastors, Accepting Gay Members Means Losing Others

When the Rev. Dennis Meredith of Tabernacle Baptist Church here began preaching acceptance of gay men and lesbians a few years ago, he attracted some gay people who were on the brink of suicide and some who had left the Baptist faith of their childhoods but wanted badly to return.

At the same time, Tabernacle Baptist, an African-American congregation, lost many of its most loyal, generous parishioners, who could not accept a message that contradicted what they saw as the Bible’s condemnation of same-sex relations. Over the last three years, Tabernacle’s Sunday attendance shrank to 800, from 1,100.

“The church has to come to a point when it has to embrace all the people Jesus embraced, and that means the people in the margins,” Dr. Samuel said. “It really bothered my congregation when I said that as people of color who have been ostracized, marginalized, how can we turn around now and oppress other people?”

Failing Schools See a Solution in Longer Day

Can't we just let kids be kids? I'm all for having higher standards in terms of the quality of a kid's education and everything but isn't childhood supposed to be the care-free part of your life? My 9-year-old nephew has upwards of 4 hours of homework a night and now you want to extend the school day? I think this is a bad idea on all sorts of levels but that's just my opinion.

So there you have it, the more you know. Don't you feel smarter already.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Well if The Koran says it's okay...

This is some crazy shit.

A German judge has stirred a storm of protest by citing the Koran in turning down a German Muslim woman’s request for a speedy divorce on the ground that her husband beat her.

In a ruling that underlines the tension between Muslim customs and European laws, the judge, Christa Datz-Winter, noted that the couple came from a Moroccan cultural milieu, in which it is common for husbands to beat their wives. The Koran, she wrote in her decision, sanctions such physical abuse.

And this judge is a woman. That's just messed up.

Friday, March 23, 2007

All trees are cool but...

these are the coolest.

If I had $200 to spend on a blanket...

I'd totally get one of these:

They're made from old cashmere sweaters so they're soft, warm and green. Yay for them.

Unfortunately I do not have $200 to spend on a blanket as I would imagine most people don't. I'm sure it won't look as good but I might have to go and hit up the thrift store and make my own.

In related news, according to the site that sells them, these blankets come from an assortment of animals including this:

I don't know what it is exactly, but I think I might need one.

Best thing ever?

This American Life takes on television.

Worst thing ever?
I don't have Showtime. Lame.

I guess me and Ira will just have to bond over the radio for now

Monday, March 19, 2007

Philip Seymour Hoffman, will you be my boyfriend?

This) looks fantastic for the following reasons:
1. Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Duh.
2. Daphne Rubin-Vega. Mimi!!!!!!
3. "compulsively chatty embalmer’s assistant"- love it!
4. "an affection for things Rastafarian. (This means he smokes a lot of marijuana, listens repeatedly to the rasta anthem “Rivers of Babylon” and wears tentative, pale-blonde dreadlocks that look like a bad case of hat hair)"- love it more!

I'm totally trying to get rush tickets for this some day after work. Anyone in the nyc area interested in joining me- let me know.

Tues Feb 27 - Sun Apr 29
Tues at 7pm (Tues Mar 27 at 8pm)
Wed - Fri at 8pm
Sat at 2 & 8pm
Sun at 2 & 7pm

Unavailable Dates: Sun Mar 18 at 7pm, Tues Mar 27 at 8pm, Tue Apr 10 at 7pm

Rush Tix
There will be a limited number of $20 Rush Tix available at the box office for every downtown theater performance on sale to the general public one hour prior to curtain. There is a 2 ticket limit per person. Cash only.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

See you later, (project) decorator!

I would like to state for the record, I had no intentions of ever watching Project Decorator or America's Next Top Decorator or Survivor: Pacific Coast Design Center or whatever the name is of Bravo's newest reality show. While ANTM, Project Runway, Beauty and the Geek, and (sadly) Grease: You're the One That I Want are a few of my favorite tivo'd shows, I am not a competitve reality junkie. I do love me some Real World/Road Rules Challenges, but that's mostly because, being a teen in the 90's and all, I watched many a season of Real World and can't help myself but to watch the reality show stars of my youth battle it out doing inane (increasingly so as the seasons go on) stunts, but I even dropped the tivo'ing ball with the last season now that we're mixing in off-the-street 'rookies' and foregoing mental challenges for purely physical ones. I've never watched Survivor, Flavors of Love, Making the Band, or Bravo's other competive reality show Top Chef. I appreciate the idea behind that Amazing Race show and I would probably watch American Idol if it wasn't on every single night for many many hours, but it wasn't like I thought, oh another competitive reality show- gotta set the tivo. And if I'm being completely honest, I wish I had missed the boat with this particular gem, but thanks to itune's free download of the pilot episode, I am now hooked.

The very first, and probably the biggest problem so far with the show is that we're already four or five (or maybe more?) episodes into the season and I still don't know (or worst, care) who I'm rooting for. From day one, I've been, generally speaking, a Goil fan. Partly because of his affinity towards using large random ceramic fruits and vegetables as conversation pieces in his rooms, partly because of his way of introducing himself as 'goil like gargoyle,' and a litte bit because I really liked the swing chair and sandbox in the Alexas Arquette room and the leg-less chair in the design student's room challenge, but am I really going to care if he wins? Probably not. During the preview for last night's episode they showed Goil on the verge of tears and I was very upset at whoever made my dear Goil cry, but after watching the episode, it turns out I really couldn't care less. This is mostly because while I feel for Goil in not being heard and feeling pushed out of the little Eric (or was it Matt? I forget which is which- which really shouldn't be still happening this far into the season) and Andrea Exclusive Club, that judge guy (again, I don't know names here although this could be less about production problems and more because I really don't care about interior decorating at all) totally had a point that you have to make yourself heard, that's part of the challenge. And also it really seemed like Andrea and Eric really didn't realize what they were doing until confronted by Goil so the whole confrontation scene made Goil seem like a child more than making Eric and Andrea seem like vilians and what's a reality show without a good villain. Which brings us to issue number three- I don't really care about the villians. Carissa and Michael are clearly the petty, annoying, coniving, lazy, whatever, whatever villians of this show but really? They're not that bad. They're annoying, yeah. They're petty, sure, but I have yet to really want to smash my tv in over their annoyingness and pettiness (see: renee, antm cycle 8). Speaking of wanting to smash my tv, the thing that really made me want to do that last night was this:

Look, Kelly Weastler, up until now I've appreciated your zany approach to fashion- your side ponytails, leggings, and that crazy frizzed out crimped 'do you were trying to rock last week despite the fact that you are clearly no longer 17. You do have a young look and you seem like you'd be fun to party with and of your judging counterparts I've always liked you the best (not counting episode 1 when Alexis Arquette was guest juding of course), but unfortunately that is no longer true. I really didn't think Jonathan Adler was going to redeem himself to me after that ridiculous 'see you later, decorator' catch-phrase but you made it possible Kelly. You, and that ugly-ass catastrophe you call an outfit. But seriously, I've wanted dresses with pants to work. I really did, but it just doesn't. Personally, most cases, I don't find it nearly as offensive as the Fug Girls ( do, but this? This is where I draw the line. The problem, really, is the dress. Remove the dress and you have a fairly acceptable outfit. I can't even say, wear the dress alone and you'd be alright, because you wouldn't. That dress is Fug! Seriously. I really think that Erik was seriously wrongly eliminated- because that dress was the biggest design faux paus going on last night. I was hoping Margaret Russell (who was kinda rocking her outfit last night) would just slap some sense into Kelly (you know Margaret is just waiting to slap someone!). That dress was ugly to the point of distracting me from the actual competition. Which, come to think of it, might have been the idea because...

OMG- dumbest challenge ever! Here's the question I would like to pose to Bravo: Do you really think the American public are too stupid to distinguish between interior designer and event planner? or is it the staff at Bravo that are too stupid to distinguish between interior designer and event planner? Because, really, very. different. things. I'm just saying. The fact that Michael's team won after he outright stated that he based his design on what he's seen from going to parties in NY and because the judges loved the bouncer who was NOT part of the design aesthetic. Goil atleast made an attempt to use unique design elements although they got drowned out by the rest of his teammates. Also, enough already with the group challenges. This could be why I don't care about any of the designers on an individual level.

The reason I bother at all is because I know Bravo can do better. I mean, Project Runway anyone? So, seriously, step it up Bravo. Get with the interior design program. Stop with the group challenges. And do something about Kelly! Give Nena Garcia a call- she'd totally help a sister out.

The 'more you know' portion of this blog

Today's Headlines:

Dying Woman Loses Appeal on Marijuana as Medication
So this 41-year-old lady is dying from an inoperable brain tumor and an assortment of other serious ailments and some California judges won't let her use the marijuana her doctor's recommended for her. Totally lame. First of all, check out the picture of the lady crying on the phone- maybe it's cuz she looks kinda like my mom- but that totally just breaks my heart. And, seriously, if she's dying and in some serious pain and smoking a little mary j is gonna help her out, what is the big deal?? The lady is wearing pearls in her picture- she doesn't exactly strike me as someone who just wants to get high for the fun of it. Also, in California, really? My advice, Ms. Raich, move to Vermont. Seriously.

F.D.A. Warns of Sleeping Pills' Strange Effects
These 'strange effects' include eating and driving while asleep. Ummm....what? Okay, eating while you're asleep- probably not the best thing for you, but driving while you're asleep? I'm thinking that might fall under the heading: worst idea ever.

The following quote would be seriously f'in funny if it wasn't actually happening:
Sleep-drivers reported frightening episodes in which they recalled going to bed, but woke up to find they had been arrested roadside in their underwear or nightclothes.

In other news: The Bush administration, which six months ago issued a series of political goals for the Iraqi government to meet by this month, is now tacitly acknowledging that the goals will take significantly longer to achieve.

The Bush administration underestimated how long something would take in Iraq? But they're usually so good at judging these types of things.

So there you have it, the more you know. Don't you just feel smarter already?