Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Holy Freakin' What???

Yeah, it's been a while. Yeah, I didn't go to Bonnaroo. Yeah, I'm not moving to California. Yeah, I'm still driving the Moldsmobile. Yeah, I got a job. No, wait, two jobs. Yeah, I'm still broke. How is that freaking possible? So here's what doesn't make sense, amongst everything else that doesn't make sense, I stop blogging for the three-or-so months that I'm not working, or doing anything for that matter, and start up again when I'm working two jobs and taking a night class? Well I do have things to blog about now, such as my blind boss or the bird that flew into the gallery the other day or, speaking of birds, my birdy friend that I found next to the pool, named Fluffers, and then buried in the backyard. Plus it is one more thing, in addition to my many jobs and educational pursuits, that keeps me from remembering that I have no social life to speak of what-so-ever. Now I have my blog. Aww, blogg-y I missed you! Love.