Monday, December 10, 2007

why i shouldn't shop after talking to my mom...

i needed to buy my nephew a birthday present. he's going to be 10. i've never been a 10-year-old boy before so i'm kinda clueless as to what to get him. i call my mom.

i talk to my mom. i get guilt tripped into going to some live nativity thing in the bronx on saturday. i try to express my disinterest in this to my mom since i would have to get up at the ass crack of dawn to go to the bronx since i will be in monroe this weekend and how ridiculous it would be for me to go to monroe so as to get on a bus at the ass crack of dawn to spend my saturday at some live nativity thing in the bronx particularly since i will inevitably be wildly hungover from the ridiculous night planned for friday. my mom says something about the reason for the season and then says she doesn't want to talk to me anymore if i'm going to have an attitude and hangs up.

i go to the store. i shouldn't shop after talking to my mother. i shouldn't talk to my mother.

i came very very close to buying my nephew the golden compass book on tape and a sex pistols belt.

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