What to say to not get me to call you back:
Hey Sara, it's your dad. We did your taxes. Call me back and I'll let you know how much you owe us.
Yeah, I'm just rushing to talk to him after hearing that. The funny part is that when I finally did talk to my dad he informs me that in addition to the $40 I owe, I'm also getting back almost $400. Like, you couldn't open with that? Thanks Dad!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Clearly Jersey City wasn't far enough.
When you come from a small town, no matter how far away you move, you can never escape it.
I was home last weekend and ended up going bowling with a bunch of friends from high school. It was a strange array of people that included a bunch of my friends, their significant others, and a bunch of their siblings, mine included. My friend Mike was there with his new girlfriend. I arrived late and ended up at a lane with the people I brought, my brother, sister-in-law, and her brother, farthest away from Mike and his gf. The actual bowling has nothing to do with this story except to include the fact that we ended up closing the bowling alley and were still finishing up our last game when the house lights came on and my brother was up and totally fell on his ass mid-bowl and the guy gets on the little loudspeaker to announce "man down, man down!" and it was by far the funniest thing ever. Also of note is the fact that prior to arriving at the bowling alley I suggested guys vs. girls and Craig made a nice comment about how that wouldn't be fair to Jill and I as we would get our asses kicked. The first game in Jill and I collectively beat Anthony and Craig by about a 40 point margin. It was beautiful! And we can just ignore those second two games where I got my ass handed to me.
Anyway, the following day my aunt is asking about the bowling and who all was there. I mentioned Mike and his girlfriend and my aunt asked me about her since we live in a small town and everyone knows everyone and everyone's business. So I tell her that I didn't really get to meet her and I jokingly make note of the fact that Mike didn't even introduce us.
So today I get a text message from Mike informing me that he just got yelled at by his mom because my aunt told her that he didn't introduce me to his girlfriend.
Not small town enough for you? The other people bowling? Five were people I went to high school with. One was the little brother of one of the girls I graduated with who happens to be friends with the little brother of another girl that was there that night. Mike's brother was also there. He had gone to high school with my brother and his wife, also in attendance, and had just bought and is now living in my aunt's house which happens to be two houses away from the house I grew up in which happens to be next door to the girl and little brother (the one not in attendance) mentioned above.
"Well I was born in a small town and I live in a small town. Probably die in a small town. Oh, those small communities."
I was home last weekend and ended up going bowling with a bunch of friends from high school. It was a strange array of people that included a bunch of my friends, their significant others, and a bunch of their siblings, mine included. My friend Mike was there with his new girlfriend. I arrived late and ended up at a lane with the people I brought, my brother, sister-in-law, and her brother, farthest away from Mike and his gf. The actual bowling has nothing to do with this story except to include the fact that we ended up closing the bowling alley and were still finishing up our last game when the house lights came on and my brother was up and totally fell on his ass mid-bowl and the guy gets on the little loudspeaker to announce "man down, man down!" and it was by far the funniest thing ever. Also of note is the fact that prior to arriving at the bowling alley I suggested guys vs. girls and Craig made a nice comment about how that wouldn't be fair to Jill and I as we would get our asses kicked. The first game in Jill and I collectively beat Anthony and Craig by about a 40 point margin. It was beautiful! And we can just ignore those second two games where I got my ass handed to me.
Anyway, the following day my aunt is asking about the bowling and who all was there. I mentioned Mike and his girlfriend and my aunt asked me about her since we live in a small town and everyone knows everyone and everyone's business. So I tell her that I didn't really get to meet her and I jokingly make note of the fact that Mike didn't even introduce us.
So today I get a text message from Mike informing me that he just got yelled at by his mom because my aunt told her that he didn't introduce me to his girlfriend.
Not small town enough for you? The other people bowling? Five were people I went to high school with. One was the little brother of one of the girls I graduated with who happens to be friends with the little brother of another girl that was there that night. Mike's brother was also there. He had gone to high school with my brother and his wife, also in attendance, and had just bought and is now living in my aunt's house which happens to be two houses away from the house I grew up in which happens to be next door to the girl and little brother (the one not in attendance) mentioned above.
"Well I was born in a small town and I live in a small town. Probably die in a small town. Oh, those small communities."
Monday, February 25, 2008
Worst nurse ever.
As if laughing at my ailments wasn't enough.
I was sick yesterday. I was at my parent's house and I was sick and my mom suggested I take something for the terrible sinus headache I had. I asked her what. I said I didn't want anything that would put me to sleep seeing as it was 6pm and I still had to get back to Jersey City. She suggested I take one of her Allegra-D's. She said it wouldn't make me drowsy. I listened.
I got back to Jersey City and was feeling a little better. I put all my clean laundry away and made my bed. Got ready for work and went to sleep. An hour later, at midnight I woke up. Exhausted, but couldn't sleep. I eventually fell back asleep only to awake again a half hour later. This continued until about 6am. I seriously got no sleep last night. None.
So when I got to work this morning I called my mom. I suggested maybe she put a note on the Allegra-D bottle warning that it shouldn't be taken at night since it will keep you up. I thought this information would be a surprise to my mom.
Not even. Her response: Oh, I know. You said you wanted something that wouldn't put you to sleep. I responded that, no, I didn't want to fall asleep at 6pm but I did, however, plan on sleeping at some point last night. My mom's response?
Oh, well, then you probably shouldn't have taken the Allegra-D.
Worse. Nurse. Ever.
I was sick yesterday. I was at my parent's house and I was sick and my mom suggested I take something for the terrible sinus headache I had. I asked her what. I said I didn't want anything that would put me to sleep seeing as it was 6pm and I still had to get back to Jersey City. She suggested I take one of her Allegra-D's. She said it wouldn't make me drowsy. I listened.
I got back to Jersey City and was feeling a little better. I put all my clean laundry away and made my bed. Got ready for work and went to sleep. An hour later, at midnight I woke up. Exhausted, but couldn't sleep. I eventually fell back asleep only to awake again a half hour later. This continued until about 6am. I seriously got no sleep last night. None.
So when I got to work this morning I called my mom. I suggested maybe she put a note on the Allegra-D bottle warning that it shouldn't be taken at night since it will keep you up. I thought this information would be a surprise to my mom.
Not even. Her response: Oh, I know. You said you wanted something that wouldn't put you to sleep. I responded that, no, I didn't want to fall asleep at 6pm but I did, however, plan on sleeping at some point last night. My mom's response?
Oh, well, then you probably shouldn't have taken the Allegra-D.
Worse. Nurse. Ever.
I thought maybe someone had died.
While having dinner with my *almost* entire family, I announced some devastating news. You see back in high school I had a pretty major hard-core crush on one, well considering the nature of my announcement I won't name names, let's just call him L. He was beautiful. He was tall and blonde and man, what a body! Athletic and tattooed and four years my senior and a major bad-ass so of course, love. My crush began the first time I saw him at one of my dad's boy scout functions at age 8 and continued right up until freshman year when he was a senior. I can recall word by precious word all two of the conversations I had with him. I would forever hold dear the idea that he was still driving around in the car he bought from my brother, a car I, too, had driven in many times. The end of my freshman year was the last time I saw L.
Eleven years did not hinder my crush. If anything, the time and distance only strengthened my feelings for L. I held dear in my heart the hope that I would one day randomly run into L. and he would of course immediately recognize me and fall madly in love with me and we would live happily ever after. I ignored the fact that over time I had completely forgotten what this guy even looked like. I ignored the fact while in the process of moving stumbled upon my old high school yearbooks, looked at his picture, and had to do a double-take, almost questioning what I saw in this person so long ago. Despite all this, I continued my crush, my hope, my love.
I recently stumbled upon (I was not stalking, I very honestly, and literally, stumbled upon) a picture of L. on myspace. And my tragic, devastating news?
Dude's fugly. Bloated and balding and dirt bag-y. I thought maybe it was the angle of the picture but there was another one and...it was worse!! An eighteen year crush crushed in a matter of seconds. A terrible terrible loss. A horrific stain on my happy childhood memory.
My family's response:
Joe: Doesn't he live in Arizona?
Anthony: I thought he moved to California?
Dad: No, he's a chef in Boston. He's married and has a kid.
me: Well, I would hope so, cuz his chick picking-up time has surely passed.
Jill: If I remember correctly, wasn't he always kind of dirt bag-ish.
me: Don't say such things!
Anthony: Yeah, he was never really all that attractive.
me: Blasphemy!
mom: Wait, that's your terrible news? I thought maybe someone had died.
me: No, only a small part of my heart.
Eleven years did not hinder my crush. If anything, the time and distance only strengthened my feelings for L. I held dear in my heart the hope that I would one day randomly run into L. and he would of course immediately recognize me and fall madly in love with me and we would live happily ever after. I ignored the fact that over time I had completely forgotten what this guy even looked like. I ignored the fact while in the process of moving stumbled upon my old high school yearbooks, looked at his picture, and had to do a double-take, almost questioning what I saw in this person so long ago. Despite all this, I continued my crush, my hope, my love.
I recently stumbled upon (I was not stalking, I very honestly, and literally, stumbled upon) a picture of L. on myspace. And my tragic, devastating news?
Dude's fugly. Bloated and balding and dirt bag-y. I thought maybe it was the angle of the picture but there was another one and...it was worse!! An eighteen year crush crushed in a matter of seconds. A terrible terrible loss. A horrific stain on my happy childhood memory.
My family's response:
Joe: Doesn't he live in Arizona?
Anthony: I thought he moved to California?
Dad: No, he's a chef in Boston. He's married and has a kid.
me: Well, I would hope so, cuz his chick picking-up time has surely passed.
Jill: If I remember correctly, wasn't he always kind of dirt bag-ish.
me: Don't say such things!
Anthony: Yeah, he was never really all that attractive.
me: Blasphemy!
mom: Wait, that's your terrible news? I thought maybe someone had died.
me: No, only a small part of my heart.
Barack Obama made me a mix tape.
Go here: Barack Obama is your new bicycle.
It's like a ridiculously fun time waster. And today is a day of time wasting.
It's like a ridiculously fun time waster. And today is a day of time wasting.
please don't let this catch on.
I understand the concept. I get the convenience of a hands-free umbrella. I get that this might be sturdier and more protective in rain and cold weather and all that jazz. I get the reasoning behind it, but really? It's weird looking. And if I saw anyone using one, I'd have to laugh at them. Probably while pointing. Because as good an idea as putting your head in a bubble might seem, it looks f'in ridiculous. So even if Daily Candy is promoting it. Save your $70 and keep your friends.

Don't like your money or your friends and want to get rid of them both in one quick shot and look ridiculous in the process?
Then a Nubrella is probably for you.

Don't like your money or your friends and want to get rid of them both in one quick shot and look ridiculous in the process?
Then a Nubrella is probably for you.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
no, she's more like the cool chick from the craft
So I'm at the Band of Horses show last night and I run into a girl I went to college with. This wouldn't be all that eventful except that I went to college in Virginia and the show was in Brooklyn - so a little random. But not entirely since I knew this girl was working in the city and I had actually run into her once before a few years ago while waiting to get on the subway. So I'm catching up with her and she informs that just that afternoon she ran into another girl we had graduated with. Big city, small world!
So one of the girls I'm at the show with is astounded by this occurrence, stating that she's never run into anyone she's known in the city and she went to school there! So I tell her how just after starting my job last winter I ran into a sorta ex-boyfriend and his wife at Urban Outfitters in the city and ended up having dinner with them, which of course astounded her even further.
Then I just blow her mind with this little story that I like to call, "J.R., Cinderella could've been your mommy."
A few years back my father and I took my nephew to Disney World. While there we took J.R. to see Cinderella. As he approaches her for a picture she asks him what his name is and he replies, "Joseph Roy Mennona" like a good little boy and she asks him where he's from and he responds New Jersey. After the picture is taken, Cinderella leans over to me and whispers, "I think I dated your brother."
After a little investigative work I find out that Cinderella is from my town and did in fact date my brother. Also, her sister was my middle school history teacher.
And this completely blows this girl's mind. She is completely convinced I'm a witch with weird connective powers or something.
So I continue that while in Florida we stayed with my dad's best friend from high school who had retired down there. While there his wife takes a picture of me, J.R., and my father. My parents then send a copy of this picture to my other brother living in Vermont. He puts the picture up in his office at work and one of his co-workers sees it and recognizes the picture from seeing it hanging up at her aunt's house in Florida! Turns out my brother's been working with my dad's high school friend's niece (all originally from NJ but now scattered all across the east coast) for months without anyone realizing it.
The girl I'm telling the story to is now completely freaked out and has me tell the whole story to her friend, the whole time yelling that I'm a witch.
Her friend responds that I'm not so much a witch as I am more like the cool chick from The Craft.
I'll take it.
So one of the girls I'm at the show with is astounded by this occurrence, stating that she's never run into anyone she's known in the city and she went to school there! So I tell her how just after starting my job last winter I ran into a sorta ex-boyfriend and his wife at Urban Outfitters in the city and ended up having dinner with them, which of course astounded her even further.
Then I just blow her mind with this little story that I like to call, "J.R., Cinderella could've been your mommy."
A few years back my father and I took my nephew to Disney World. While there we took J.R. to see Cinderella. As he approaches her for a picture she asks him what his name is and he replies, "Joseph Roy Mennona" like a good little boy and she asks him where he's from and he responds New Jersey. After the picture is taken, Cinderella leans over to me and whispers, "I think I dated your brother."
After a little investigative work I find out that Cinderella is from my town and did in fact date my brother. Also, her sister was my middle school history teacher.
And this completely blows this girl's mind. She is completely convinced I'm a witch with weird connective powers or something.
So I continue that while in Florida we stayed with my dad's best friend from high school who had retired down there. While there his wife takes a picture of me, J.R., and my father. My parents then send a copy of this picture to my other brother living in Vermont. He puts the picture up in his office at work and one of his co-workers sees it and recognizes the picture from seeing it hanging up at her aunt's house in Florida! Turns out my brother's been working with my dad's high school friend's niece (all originally from NJ but now scattered all across the east coast) for months without anyone realizing it.
The girl I'm telling the story to is now completely freaked out and has me tell the whole story to her friend, the whole time yelling that I'm a witch.
Her friend responds that I'm not so much a witch as I am more like the cool chick from The Craft.
I'll take it.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
suppose i kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall.
Regina Spektor, will you be my Valentine?

i love you, regina spektor. i love listening to you. i love that listening to you reminds me of driving to boston with the windows down. reminds me of farmers markets in vermont. and of flowers. and of philly jill. and of summer. and sun. and that these thoughts can make me smile even when it's frigidly cold out and my car is far away and boston is far away and farmers markets are far away and flowers and summer and philly jill are all far away. all i have to do is hear "on the radio" and it all seems so close. and i want to thank you for that, regina spektor.
let's not forget how gorgeous and fabulous you are. can i maybe raid your closet some time? and that voice. and that piano. and those lyrics. and i want to be you, regina spektor. or be your friend. or your sister. or your girlfriend. anything really.
so basically what i'm saying is that unless you are regina spektor. you also love regina spektor. or you want to hear about exactly how fabulous regina spektor is today. or if you have news about regina spektor touring closer to ny than norfolk, va. if none of these things are true, then maybe you should probably not talk to me today.
i'm just saying.
other girl crushes include: ani difranco. nellie mckay. zooey deschanel. amanda peet. jenny lewis. (not that that makes my love for you, regina spektor, anything less)

i love you, regina spektor. i love listening to you. i love that listening to you reminds me of driving to boston with the windows down. reminds me of farmers markets in vermont. and of flowers. and of philly jill. and of summer. and sun. and that these thoughts can make me smile even when it's frigidly cold out and my car is far away and boston is far away and farmers markets are far away and flowers and summer and philly jill are all far away. all i have to do is hear "on the radio" and it all seems so close. and i want to thank you for that, regina spektor.
let's not forget how gorgeous and fabulous you are. can i maybe raid your closet some time? and that voice. and that piano. and those lyrics. and i want to be you, regina spektor. or be your friend. or your sister. or your girlfriend. anything really.
so basically what i'm saying is that unless you are regina spektor. you also love regina spektor. or you want to hear about exactly how fabulous regina spektor is today. or if you have news about regina spektor touring closer to ny than norfolk, va. if none of these things are true, then maybe you should probably not talk to me today.
i'm just saying.
other girl crushes include: ani difranco. nellie mckay. zooey deschanel. amanda peet. jenny lewis. (not that that makes my love for you, regina spektor, anything less)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
i want a non-existent romantic hero.
Valentine's Day = blah.
I don't even have enough energy for the "holiday" to get into the whole consumeristic, commercial, Hallmark-created holiday bullshit. I mean, it's all true. But I like chocolate so any holiday that provides me with chocolate - even if it's just coming from my parent's - I'm cool with.
But, if I were to receive this:

I would've maybe had to have changed my mind on the subject.
For now I'm sticking with my cynical view:

t-shirt and bear can be found @ love is lame.
Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!
I don't even have enough energy for the "holiday" to get into the whole consumeristic, commercial, Hallmark-created holiday bullshit. I mean, it's all true. But I like chocolate so any holiday that provides me with chocolate - even if it's just coming from my parent's - I'm cool with.
But, if I were to receive this:

I would've maybe had to have changed my mind on the subject.
For now I'm sticking with my cynical view:

t-shirt and bear can be found @ love is lame.
Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Not getting my hopes up...
Remember that guy I met on the PATH at 4am? I mentioned that I didn't give the guy my number, but I did give him my email address. I did this because in discussing running he made mention of some NY Times article he thought would be of interest to me, and also because he asked for it and I wasn't just going to say no. Now had he asked for my number that might've been another story but luckily he didn't.
Anyway, a few days pass and no word from drunk random writer guy. I'm not too disappointed as I wasn't actually interested in this guy in any way - through no fault of his own though, he wasn't bad looking or anything - but it bruised the ego a little. I couldn't help feeling rejected even if it was by someone I didn't care about or even know.
So then I'm surprised to finally get an email from this guy. No NY Times article attached of course. And a note that goes along the lines of "I think I remember you. I'm embarrassed since I was drunk and am not even entirely sure I remember who you are but if you are the girl I spoke with on the PATH last weekend and you remember me and are interested in some interesting conversation, here's my number."
and then he says this:
"But don't get your hopes up because I will be leaving the country soon."
Seriously?? Seriously!! Don't get my hopes up? I don't know you. You barely remember even meeting me. And you're telling me not to get my hopes up?
And I already thought of names for our kids. Darn.
Anyway, a few days pass and no word from drunk random writer guy. I'm not too disappointed as I wasn't actually interested in this guy in any way - through no fault of his own though, he wasn't bad looking or anything - but it bruised the ego a little. I couldn't help feeling rejected even if it was by someone I didn't care about or even know.
So then I'm surprised to finally get an email from this guy. No NY Times article attached of course. And a note that goes along the lines of "I think I remember you. I'm embarrassed since I was drunk and am not even entirely sure I remember who you are but if you are the girl I spoke with on the PATH last weekend and you remember me and are interested in some interesting conversation, here's my number."
and then he says this:
"But don't get your hopes up because I will be leaving the country soon."
Seriously?? Seriously!! Don't get my hopes up? I don't know you. You barely remember even meeting me. And you're telling me not to get my hopes up?
And I already thought of names for our kids. Darn.
accidental insensitivity.
last week was my sister's birthday. i knew it all day. when i got home i forgot. momentarily. the phone rang and i remembered again and swore after i got off the phone with whoever was calling i would call my sis. but of course it was my sis calling me. who does that? she says she'd had a few drinks and felt it okay to start calling people to make them wish her a happy birthday. i thought this was fair.
while on the phone i start doing the math to figure out how old my sister was now. i think to myself that i'll be 26 on monday so that would make my sister...and then i react...
by yelling out 'oh shit!'
my sister is all a-worry - did you fall? did you hurt something? are you okay?
i sheepishly respond that i just figured out how old she was now. i didn't even mean to be mean.
but i mean - 37? that's old, right?
i tried to make her feel better by reminding her that beth from the real world was 39. i don't think it helped.
while on the phone i start doing the math to figure out how old my sister was now. i think to myself that i'll be 26 on monday so that would make my sister...and then i react...
by yelling out 'oh shit!'
my sister is all a-worry - did you fall? did you hurt something? are you okay?
i sheepishly respond that i just figured out how old she was now. i didn't even mean to be mean.
but i mean - 37? that's old, right?
i tried to make her feel better by reminding her that beth from the real world was 39. i don't think it helped.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
happy birthday to me.
some memorable february 11ths:
february 11, 1963: sylvia plath kills herself.
february 11, 1982: i'm totally born.
february 11, 1993: blizzard. birthday cancelled. mrs. smith bakes me a cake.
february 11, 1997: sleepover. my bff came late because she was too busy going to the valentine's dance with the boy i very regrettably had a crush on at the time.
february 11, 1998: joint sweet 16 with jm. regrettably danced with boy from previous birthday disaster. wore dress from delia's mrs. smith gave me.
february 11, 1999: jill took me to get my license. shockingly passed driving test. found a pair of pants (that i still own) and sweater on sale at american eagle. had lunch at applebee's. purchased the caddy. took ken, meg, and d for a ride to birch hill and back. received the original fizz tape along with tickets to see love of my life billy joel from my best-y.
february 11, 2000: hung out with strange assortment of parkway girls and jm's friends. after everyone left drove with jm and jean bean to the beach. realized it was february. purchased losing lottery ticket. drove home.
february 11, 2001: february 1st, my uncle pete passes away. ken, meg, and d visit me at m-mount. take disgusting test tube shots in my dorm room. get a ride with immaculate sue's stoned friend to the metro. go to some club in dc. spend the majority of the month of february avoiding ken (married ken, not bff ken) who attempts to woo me by taking my roommate out and giving me a box of poptarts for valentine's day. spend prez weekend in b-more to see rent with assorted people i don't really remember being friends with.
february 11, 2003: it was a tuesday. i turned 21. had two exams and a paper due. met helen thomas. took a shot with married sketchy jacon. drank booze in my dorm room with all my underage friends.
february 11, 2005: got a tattoo.
february 11, 2006: best birthday.
february 11, 2007: jacqui's valentine's day party with ken, don, and ben. took my first ever journey shot.
february 11, 1963: sylvia plath kills herself.
february 11, 1982: i'm totally born.
february 11, 1993: blizzard. birthday cancelled. mrs. smith bakes me a cake.
february 11, 1997: sleepover. my bff came late because she was too busy going to the valentine's dance with the boy i very regrettably had a crush on at the time.
february 11, 1998: joint sweet 16 with jm. regrettably danced with boy from previous birthday disaster. wore dress from delia's mrs. smith gave me.
february 11, 1999: jill took me to get my license. shockingly passed driving test. found a pair of pants (that i still own) and sweater on sale at american eagle. had lunch at applebee's. purchased the caddy. took ken, meg, and d for a ride to birch hill and back. received the original fizz tape along with tickets to see love of my life billy joel from my best-y.
february 11, 2000: hung out with strange assortment of parkway girls and jm's friends. after everyone left drove with jm and jean bean to the beach. realized it was february. purchased losing lottery ticket. drove home.
february 11, 2001: february 1st, my uncle pete passes away. ken, meg, and d visit me at m-mount. take disgusting test tube shots in my dorm room. get a ride with immaculate sue's stoned friend to the metro. go to some club in dc. spend the majority of the month of february avoiding ken (married ken, not bff ken) who attempts to woo me by taking my roommate out and giving me a box of poptarts for valentine's day. spend prez weekend in b-more to see rent with assorted people i don't really remember being friends with.
february 11, 2003: it was a tuesday. i turned 21. had two exams and a paper due. met helen thomas. took a shot with married sketchy jacon. drank booze in my dorm room with all my underage friends.
february 11, 2005: got a tattoo.
february 11, 2006: best birthday.
february 11, 2007: jacqui's valentine's day party with ken, don, and ben. took my first ever journey shot.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
things i'm missing about college these days:
1. care packages. i realize i only moved 45 minutes away. and that i'm home almost every weekend doing laundry. and that i'm not 18 anymore. but my parents could still send me care packages. or y'know, you could.
2. mail. my sister used to send wicked cool postcards and danielle sent the best letters. mostly to make up for the fact that she'd never call. now she doesn't call. or write.
3. learning stuff. i was way smarter four years ago.
4. friends. my friends were all so near-by. jennie was rarely more than a few feet from my side. i miss that.
5. readily available food. be it crappy caf food or a variety of fast food - food was always right there. and no cooking.
6. sleeping in. how sweet was that.
7. vacations. summer vacation. winter vacation. it was like i never had class. what i would give for a vacation right now.
8. money. i don't know how i seemed to have more money in college when i wasn't doing shit and now that i'm actually making a semi-reasonable salary i'm always broke. but that's how it was.
9. boys. i was so much more popular in virginia.
10. thinking about the future. it was a lot easier to say four years ago that we would totally do london '07 because by then we'd all be settled in our fabulous money-making careers and doing all these fabulous things.
1. care packages. i realize i only moved 45 minutes away. and that i'm home almost every weekend doing laundry. and that i'm not 18 anymore. but my parents could still send me care packages. or y'know, you could.
2. mail. my sister used to send wicked cool postcards and danielle sent the best letters. mostly to make up for the fact that she'd never call. now she doesn't call. or write.
3. learning stuff. i was way smarter four years ago.
4. friends. my friends were all so near-by. jennie was rarely more than a few feet from my side. i miss that.
5. readily available food. be it crappy caf food or a variety of fast food - food was always right there. and no cooking.
6. sleeping in. how sweet was that.
7. vacations. summer vacation. winter vacation. it was like i never had class. what i would give for a vacation right now.
8. money. i don't know how i seemed to have more money in college when i wasn't doing shit and now that i'm actually making a semi-reasonable salary i'm always broke. but that's how it was.
9. boys. i was so much more popular in virginia.
10. thinking about the future. it was a lot easier to say four years ago that we would totally do london '07 because by then we'd all be settled in our fabulous money-making careers and doing all these fabulous things.
Monday, February 04, 2008
frenchin' at 205.
saturday night. sorta bday celebration for jm and myself. i invited my best-y but since it was in the city she was a no-go. i didn't bother to really invite anyone else. i mentioned it two friends who live near the city. they were both down. neither showed. this is how the night began. not a good sign.
that afternoon i get a text from a 'roe buddy asking if i'd be in that area that night. i inform him i would not but that he should come out to the city for my bday. he claims he would've had he had more than a few hours notice. i blame ken since had she wanted to come out i would've invited everyone but since she didn't i didn't bother inviting the boys. not only do i feel like i have no friends since no one came out but now mf's pissed at me for not having invited him sooner. let's add that to the list of things that went wrong.
got dinner at stand with jm and her bf and her friend and her friend's bf. despite the fact that i am almost constantly hanging out with ken and don and am almost always 3rd or 5th wheelin' it, i have never felt more like a 5th wheel than i did at that dinner.
we inexplicably drive around the city for about an hour. what we're even doing in a car in the city in the first place is beyond me. we head over to sweet and vicious where a former kkp-er is celebrating her bday. it's small and crowded. i say my hello's and leave to meet back up with jm, etc. at 205. i remember 205 from halloween when i made friends with a creepy old french guy to get in on his table service. i resolve not to make friends with any creepy old french guys tonight. i find jm, etc. and am informed that jm's bf saw an olsen when they got there. my night is picking up.
despite dancing and relatively enjoying hanging out at 205 with jm, etc. i'm still sorta cranky for no reason. then i meet random french guy. luckily not creepy or old and a good dancer even but still not exactly what i need to get out of my grumpisness. i pull the bathroom card and lose frenchie.
i bail on 205 and jm,etc. around 3:30am. i consider taking a cab to the path as it's 3:30am, 40 degrees out, i'm wearing heels, am alone, and in the lower east side (nowhere near the 9th street path station). so of course i decide to walk. i listen to a lot of third eye blind on my ipod as i walk and feel weirdly fine. i get to the path by 4am and am waiting in the crazy drunk crowd for a train. i'm wearing my headphones, am still kinda in a mood, and considering even when perfectly content i still look like i hate the world, i'm imagining that i'm not looking entirely inviting at the moment so i'm surprised when the guy standing across from me starts talking to me. he inquires if i'm a dancer. i inform him i am not. i think it's a lame line even coming from a stupid 4am drunk guy. then he asks if i'm in my pajamas. i think this is the worst line ever and then i realize that my jacket is longer than my dress and so it just looks like i'm wearing leggings and heels - not exactly sleep wear but i see where he was confused. the path shows up and we board and he's telling me that he's a writer who's been out of the country for the last 4 years, traveling and writing. some weird gypsy-looking chick sitting near us starts motioning towards us, winking and bowing her head. giving us her blessing or cursing us. i'm not sure which. she then passes out. writer guy continues to talk all the way to journal square. he gets off the train and says he'll call me. i do not remind him that he doesn't have my number.
it's 5am. i put my headphones back on. motorcycle drive-by comes on. fitting i think. i remember that my car is parked at the path. finally i'm out of my bad mood.
that afternoon i get a text from a 'roe buddy asking if i'd be in that area that night. i inform him i would not but that he should come out to the city for my bday. he claims he would've had he had more than a few hours notice. i blame ken since had she wanted to come out i would've invited everyone but since she didn't i didn't bother inviting the boys. not only do i feel like i have no friends since no one came out but now mf's pissed at me for not having invited him sooner. let's add that to the list of things that went wrong.
got dinner at stand with jm and her bf and her friend and her friend's bf. despite the fact that i am almost constantly hanging out with ken and don and am almost always 3rd or 5th wheelin' it, i have never felt more like a 5th wheel than i did at that dinner.
we inexplicably drive around the city for about an hour. what we're even doing in a car in the city in the first place is beyond me. we head over to sweet and vicious where a former kkp-er is celebrating her bday. it's small and crowded. i say my hello's and leave to meet back up with jm, etc. at 205. i remember 205 from halloween when i made friends with a creepy old french guy to get in on his table service. i resolve not to make friends with any creepy old french guys tonight. i find jm, etc. and am informed that jm's bf saw an olsen when they got there. my night is picking up.
despite dancing and relatively enjoying hanging out at 205 with jm, etc. i'm still sorta cranky for no reason. then i meet random french guy. luckily not creepy or old and a good dancer even but still not exactly what i need to get out of my grumpisness. i pull the bathroom card and lose frenchie.
i bail on 205 and jm,etc. around 3:30am. i consider taking a cab to the path as it's 3:30am, 40 degrees out, i'm wearing heels, am alone, and in the lower east side (nowhere near the 9th street path station). so of course i decide to walk. i listen to a lot of third eye blind on my ipod as i walk and feel weirdly fine. i get to the path by 4am and am waiting in the crazy drunk crowd for a train. i'm wearing my headphones, am still kinda in a mood, and considering even when perfectly content i still look like i hate the world, i'm imagining that i'm not looking entirely inviting at the moment so i'm surprised when the guy standing across from me starts talking to me. he inquires if i'm a dancer. i inform him i am not. i think it's a lame line even coming from a stupid 4am drunk guy. then he asks if i'm in my pajamas. i think this is the worst line ever and then i realize that my jacket is longer than my dress and so it just looks like i'm wearing leggings and heels - not exactly sleep wear but i see where he was confused. the path shows up and we board and he's telling me that he's a writer who's been out of the country for the last 4 years, traveling and writing. some weird gypsy-looking chick sitting near us starts motioning towards us, winking and bowing her head. giving us her blessing or cursing us. i'm not sure which. she then passes out. writer guy continues to talk all the way to journal square. he gets off the train and says he'll call me. i do not remind him that he doesn't have my number.
it's 5am. i put my headphones back on. motorcycle drive-by comes on. fitting i think. i remember that my car is parked at the path. finally i'm out of my bad mood.
that will make it harder to heal.
so apparently the piano at my parent's house is the same height as the railing around the stairs at my brother's house. i know this because i walked into the piano at my parent's house and hit my leg in the absolute exact same spot as the bruise that was just starting to fade that i got from walking into the stairs railing.
also, while inspecting the now much worse bruise i noticed that i have two large scrapes on my leg below the bruise that i never noticed before. i think i was distracted by the large, constantly changing color bruise that's been there for 3 weeks now. i do not know where or when these scrapes are from. i have literally no clue.
also, while inspecting the now much worse bruise i noticed that i have two large scrapes on my leg below the bruise that i never noticed before. i think i was distracted by the large, constantly changing color bruise that's been there for 3 weeks now. i do not know where or when these scrapes are from. i have literally no clue.
Friday, February 01, 2008
this plane is definitely going to crash.
i don't like the cold. that's been well established i think. i kinda hate it. october and november are okay. there's novelty in the cold. and then there's the random warm day thrown in and it all feels okay. december is okay. it's the holidays. it's supposed to be cold. white christmas and all that jazz. then january happens. and from there it all goes down hill. fast.
i tend to hibernate in the winter. i'm so much better in the summer. really.
the one thing i do like about the cold. snowboarding. so i plan a trip up to vermont for martin luther king weekend. since i'm going alone and don't have a car nearby i decide to fly. i book a flight leaving out of jfk the thursday afternoon prior to mlk day. i decide to take a half vacay day and go straight to the airport from the office. this seems like a brilliant plan. i book the flight. i'm psyched.
then i'm sick. i know. seriously. when am i not sick. could i go to vermont and not be sick? i'm starting to think maybe not.
i'm sick the whole week prior to my trip. mostly just a cold. but i can feel it building. getting worse. every day. i know it's waiting. it's waiting for the exact day i'm supposed to leave. to get worse. to ruin my trip. i know.
thursday morning i wake up. i feel like crap. i've gotten just a few hours of sleep since i procrastinated on packing and was up most of the night prior doing so. i call out of work figuring a few more hours of sleep might make me feel better. it really doesn't. i head to the airport. jersey city to jfk = 2 hours. flight from jfk to vermont = 45 minutes. seriously. of course 2 hours and 45 minutes is still a world better than 7 hours in a car (plus a 2 hour train ride to get the car).
i get to the airport with an hour to spare. stock up on mags and candy and get some lunch. they announce my flight. i'm about to board. i'm waiting for them to call my row. i'm listening to my ipod. it's on shuffle. i hear a modest mouse song i've never heard before play. all i hear is a voice screaming, "THIS PLANE IS DEFINITELY GOING TO CRASH!" I don't know how to proceed. I look around, needing to share this ridiculousness with someone. They call my row. I consider calling a friend to relay what I just heard as I'm about to board a plane. I worry that if the plane does crash that the irony of the situation will be lost forever. I also worry though that someone might over hear the call and me saying, "this plane is definitely going to crash," and maybe arrest me.
The plane doesn't crash. I make it to Vermont.
Jill picks me up at the airport. I inform her that I am sick. She informs me that both her and my brother are also sick. Both are on antibiotics. Essentially we're a mess.
Jill is supposed to take off work on Friday so we can go to the mountain. She in unable to do so. I figure I can just take a walk into town while her and my brother are at work. Just hang out in Montpelier for the afternoon. I end up sleeping most of Friday away. Once awake, I get ready to walk into town. I sit down to put on my boots. The longer I'm awake the worse I feel. I decide to sit for a minute before heading out into the cold with a cold. There's an American's Next Top Model marathon on. I don't leave the couch.
My brother eventually gets home. He half-assedly gives me shit about wasting my day, although, I can tell that he feels just as much like shit as I do and probably wishes he had had the opportunity to spend the day watching ANTM reruns. We get the girls ready to take them for a walk. They see their leashes and Anthony moving towards the door and they start barking and screeching and running for the door in excitement. Sadie sits nicely, yelping a little. Ava is a little maniac, attacking the door and making the weirdest little noises I've ever heard come out of a dog. I determine after a while that she sounds like Chewbacca.
Me and my brother walk down to Montpelier. I hit up the wicked cool antique shop on Main Street while Anthony waits outside with the girls. Then we head behind the main part of town to a path leading up a hill. Anthony informs me this is the way to the "park" so I follow him. It's cold and there is snow and this feels an awful lot like hiking and I'm skeptical of what we are going to find at the top of this hill. I'm pretty sure there will be no swings or slides up there or any other sort of park-like items and thus question his use of the term park at all. Also, it's getting dark.
I brought along with me three cameras: a canon elph, a holga, and an old kodak brownie that I'm not entirely sure even works anymore. I stop along the walk to use the brownie. As it doesn't have a flash I want to get some shots in while there's still light out. I also take some quick shots with the holga which I haven't used before. While I love the instant gratification of getting to see my pictures immediately on my digital, I realize I've missed the allure of having to wait to get pictures developed to see what I got. My brother yells at me for being so slow. Informing me that I should wait to get to the top to take pictures and that if I keep stopping there won't be any light at all by the time we get there. I'm pretty cynical about what's waiting for me at the top of this hill so I keep strolling and snapping.
Sadie stops momentarily a couple of times along the walk to relieve herself so to speak. after which she kicks the area with her back feet causing dirt and snow and crap to fly up into the air. as i'm dawdling i find myself behind sadie for most of the walk. this places me right in the line of fire during this little shit-kicking activity. the inappropriateness of the situation is ridiculous.
we eventually make it to "the park." as expected there are no swings, slides, or other park-like items. there is however some sort of brick castle-like structure that you can climb up for an amazing view of montpelier. so anthony and i climb up to the top with the girls. at this point it is far too dark to get any good shots in - as anthony of course predicted. ava attempts to jump off the castle, which pretty much means it's time to get back down to safety. anthony puts sadie and ava back on their leashes and gives me ava's leash to get her down the stairs. here's the problem: i'm afraid of stairs. i'm not afraid of heights. i'm afraid of stairs. mostly going down stairs. and escalators. more so escalators. but certain stairs. really steep stairs. really windy stairs. so these stairs, really steep, windy, and wet and icy stairs - i'm not okay with them. on my own, walking slowly, carefully, i'm not okay with them. getting dragged down them by an out of control dog? definitely not okay. not my favorite part of the trip. i'm just saying. we somehow walk farther up the hill to get back down and then go back to the house for dinner.
then it's saturday and it's snowboarding time. i want to be psyched cuz this is my first time riding with my brand spankin' new snowboarding boots. i'm always riding with jill's old boots, board, and bindings, and the board and bindings are fine, but the boots are about a half size too small which is no good so i finally got around to getting my own boots. and here i am on their inaugral ride and i feel like crap. i make it to the top of the lift and off the chair lift succesfully. i note that this chair lift - one we don't usually take - has an especially steep hill coming off of it and that there are two really inappropriately placed poles right at the bottom of the hill. i'm amazed i don't ride right into the pole but i don't. i strap in and am ready to ride. except not really. because i feel like crap. and i seem to have forgotten how to snowboard. about half way down i take a really hard fall and feel a little dizzy when i get back up. i decide i need a break and go and get some hot chocolate when i make it to the bottom. i'm determined not to give up so easily. i came up to vermont to snowboard and that's what i'm going to do. i go back up the lift with anthony. i forget about the completely inappropriately placed poles. i ride directly into the pole. i am laying flat on my back, board up against the pole. my brother is standing over me, laughing, he points out that you're supposed to avoid the poles, not aim for them. thanks. ass.
i do two successful runs before i get a migraine and have to throw in the towel. i wait at the bar with jill for anthony to finish riding and we head home. i'm miserably sick saturday night and pass out on the couch.
i feel a little better on sunday. i hang around the house with jill and the dogs and then take a walk into town while jill watches football.
i am finally feeling better on monday. jill has to work but anthony has the day off. we head to the mountain with the girls. we don't feel like spending the money on lift tickets so anthony suggests we hike up a closed lift and ride back down. this seems like a good idea. sort of. the hike up takes about 40 minutes and my complaining is actually kept to a minimum. we make it to the top of the lift - which just so happens to be the same lift where i boarded right into the poles, so we reminisce about that for a bit - and hang out in the little house on the top of the mountain for some lunch. the view is utterly amazing and the sun is starting to set. we decide to head back down and anthony chooses then to inform me that the girls don't really like snowboards and that they may freak out a bit when you put yours on. this is by no means an understatement. ava yaps a little and runs around a bit, sadie jumps on me, barkling like mad. anthony tells me that the dogs will just run on ahead down the mountain once we get going. this is a lie. ava takes off but sadie runs alongside me. then sadie decides to run ahead of me, stop directly in my path, turn around and stare me down as i come barreling down towards her. i'm an okay snowboarder. i'm getting better. but i am in no way a good enough snowboarder to try to avoid a moving animal who is actively trying to stand in my way. i seriously didn't think we were both going to make it down the mountain alive. at one point anthony picks up ava and rides down the mountain carrying her. sadie sees this, bolts after anthony, lunges into the air at anthony, flips over and lands flat on her back onto the snowboard. i was pretty sure she was a goner but nope, she hops right back up and starts chasing me again. somehow, we make it to the bottom of the mountain alive.
my brother asks me, 'now wasn't that worth saving $70 on a lift ticket?'
i tell him that it was if you only wanted to take one ride down the mountain like we did. that it was a nice hike and a nice little afternoon activity. it would not, however, be worth it, if you planned on doing more than one run and had to do a 40 minute hike for a 15 minute ride over and over again. that would just make you a cheap ass.
i leave tuesday morning. jill drives me to the airport at 4:30am for my 6am flight. there is an unexpected 45 minute line to get through security. i make my flight by 2 minutes. i do not listen to my ipod and my plan does not crash.
i tend to hibernate in the winter. i'm so much better in the summer. really.
the one thing i do like about the cold. snowboarding. so i plan a trip up to vermont for martin luther king weekend. since i'm going alone and don't have a car nearby i decide to fly. i book a flight leaving out of jfk the thursday afternoon prior to mlk day. i decide to take a half vacay day and go straight to the airport from the office. this seems like a brilliant plan. i book the flight. i'm psyched.
then i'm sick. i know. seriously. when am i not sick. could i go to vermont and not be sick? i'm starting to think maybe not.
i'm sick the whole week prior to my trip. mostly just a cold. but i can feel it building. getting worse. every day. i know it's waiting. it's waiting for the exact day i'm supposed to leave. to get worse. to ruin my trip. i know.
thursday morning i wake up. i feel like crap. i've gotten just a few hours of sleep since i procrastinated on packing and was up most of the night prior doing so. i call out of work figuring a few more hours of sleep might make me feel better. it really doesn't. i head to the airport. jersey city to jfk = 2 hours. flight from jfk to vermont = 45 minutes. seriously. of course 2 hours and 45 minutes is still a world better than 7 hours in a car (plus a 2 hour train ride to get the car).
i get to the airport with an hour to spare. stock up on mags and candy and get some lunch. they announce my flight. i'm about to board. i'm waiting for them to call my row. i'm listening to my ipod. it's on shuffle. i hear a modest mouse song i've never heard before play. all i hear is a voice screaming, "THIS PLANE IS DEFINITELY GOING TO CRASH!" I don't know how to proceed. I look around, needing to share this ridiculousness with someone. They call my row. I consider calling a friend to relay what I just heard as I'm about to board a plane. I worry that if the plane does crash that the irony of the situation will be lost forever. I also worry though that someone might over hear the call and me saying, "this plane is definitely going to crash," and maybe arrest me.
The plane doesn't crash. I make it to Vermont.
Jill picks me up at the airport. I inform her that I am sick. She informs me that both her and my brother are also sick. Both are on antibiotics. Essentially we're a mess.
Jill is supposed to take off work on Friday so we can go to the mountain. She in unable to do so. I figure I can just take a walk into town while her and my brother are at work. Just hang out in Montpelier for the afternoon. I end up sleeping most of Friday away. Once awake, I get ready to walk into town. I sit down to put on my boots. The longer I'm awake the worse I feel. I decide to sit for a minute before heading out into the cold with a cold. There's an American's Next Top Model marathon on. I don't leave the couch.
My brother eventually gets home. He half-assedly gives me shit about wasting my day, although, I can tell that he feels just as much like shit as I do and probably wishes he had had the opportunity to spend the day watching ANTM reruns. We get the girls ready to take them for a walk. They see their leashes and Anthony moving towards the door and they start barking and screeching and running for the door in excitement. Sadie sits nicely, yelping a little. Ava is a little maniac, attacking the door and making the weirdest little noises I've ever heard come out of a dog. I determine after a while that she sounds like Chewbacca.
Me and my brother walk down to Montpelier. I hit up the wicked cool antique shop on Main Street while Anthony waits outside with the girls. Then we head behind the main part of town to a path leading up a hill. Anthony informs me this is the way to the "park" so I follow him. It's cold and there is snow and this feels an awful lot like hiking and I'm skeptical of what we are going to find at the top of this hill. I'm pretty sure there will be no swings or slides up there or any other sort of park-like items and thus question his use of the term park at all. Also, it's getting dark.
I brought along with me three cameras: a canon elph, a holga, and an old kodak brownie that I'm not entirely sure even works anymore. I stop along the walk to use the brownie. As it doesn't have a flash I want to get some shots in while there's still light out. I also take some quick shots with the holga which I haven't used before. While I love the instant gratification of getting to see my pictures immediately on my digital, I realize I've missed the allure of having to wait to get pictures developed to see what I got. My brother yells at me for being so slow. Informing me that I should wait to get to the top to take pictures and that if I keep stopping there won't be any light at all by the time we get there. I'm pretty cynical about what's waiting for me at the top of this hill so I keep strolling and snapping.
Sadie stops momentarily a couple of times along the walk to relieve herself so to speak. after which she kicks the area with her back feet causing dirt and snow and crap to fly up into the air. as i'm dawdling i find myself behind sadie for most of the walk. this places me right in the line of fire during this little shit-kicking activity. the inappropriateness of the situation is ridiculous.
we eventually make it to "the park." as expected there are no swings, slides, or other park-like items. there is however some sort of brick castle-like structure that you can climb up for an amazing view of montpelier. so anthony and i climb up to the top with the girls. at this point it is far too dark to get any good shots in - as anthony of course predicted. ava attempts to jump off the castle, which pretty much means it's time to get back down to safety. anthony puts sadie and ava back on their leashes and gives me ava's leash to get her down the stairs. here's the problem: i'm afraid of stairs. i'm not afraid of heights. i'm afraid of stairs. mostly going down stairs. and escalators. more so escalators. but certain stairs. really steep stairs. really windy stairs. so these stairs, really steep, windy, and wet and icy stairs - i'm not okay with them. on my own, walking slowly, carefully, i'm not okay with them. getting dragged down them by an out of control dog? definitely not okay. not my favorite part of the trip. i'm just saying. we somehow walk farther up the hill to get back down and then go back to the house for dinner.
then it's saturday and it's snowboarding time. i want to be psyched cuz this is my first time riding with my brand spankin' new snowboarding boots. i'm always riding with jill's old boots, board, and bindings, and the board and bindings are fine, but the boots are about a half size too small which is no good so i finally got around to getting my own boots. and here i am on their inaugral ride and i feel like crap. i make it to the top of the lift and off the chair lift succesfully. i note that this chair lift - one we don't usually take - has an especially steep hill coming off of it and that there are two really inappropriately placed poles right at the bottom of the hill. i'm amazed i don't ride right into the pole but i don't. i strap in and am ready to ride. except not really. because i feel like crap. and i seem to have forgotten how to snowboard. about half way down i take a really hard fall and feel a little dizzy when i get back up. i decide i need a break and go and get some hot chocolate when i make it to the bottom. i'm determined not to give up so easily. i came up to vermont to snowboard and that's what i'm going to do. i go back up the lift with anthony. i forget about the completely inappropriately placed poles. i ride directly into the pole. i am laying flat on my back, board up against the pole. my brother is standing over me, laughing, he points out that you're supposed to avoid the poles, not aim for them. thanks. ass.
i do two successful runs before i get a migraine and have to throw in the towel. i wait at the bar with jill for anthony to finish riding and we head home. i'm miserably sick saturday night and pass out on the couch.
i feel a little better on sunday. i hang around the house with jill and the dogs and then take a walk into town while jill watches football.
i am finally feeling better on monday. jill has to work but anthony has the day off. we head to the mountain with the girls. we don't feel like spending the money on lift tickets so anthony suggests we hike up a closed lift and ride back down. this seems like a good idea. sort of. the hike up takes about 40 minutes and my complaining is actually kept to a minimum. we make it to the top of the lift - which just so happens to be the same lift where i boarded right into the poles, so we reminisce about that for a bit - and hang out in the little house on the top of the mountain for some lunch. the view is utterly amazing and the sun is starting to set. we decide to head back down and anthony chooses then to inform me that the girls don't really like snowboards and that they may freak out a bit when you put yours on. this is by no means an understatement. ava yaps a little and runs around a bit, sadie jumps on me, barkling like mad. anthony tells me that the dogs will just run on ahead down the mountain once we get going. this is a lie. ava takes off but sadie runs alongside me. then sadie decides to run ahead of me, stop directly in my path, turn around and stare me down as i come barreling down towards her. i'm an okay snowboarder. i'm getting better. but i am in no way a good enough snowboarder to try to avoid a moving animal who is actively trying to stand in my way. i seriously didn't think we were both going to make it down the mountain alive. at one point anthony picks up ava and rides down the mountain carrying her. sadie sees this, bolts after anthony, lunges into the air at anthony, flips over and lands flat on her back onto the snowboard. i was pretty sure she was a goner but nope, she hops right back up and starts chasing me again. somehow, we make it to the bottom of the mountain alive.
my brother asks me, 'now wasn't that worth saving $70 on a lift ticket?'
i tell him that it was if you only wanted to take one ride down the mountain like we did. that it was a nice hike and a nice little afternoon activity. it would not, however, be worth it, if you planned on doing more than one run and had to do a 40 minute hike for a 15 minute ride over and over again. that would just make you a cheap ass.
i leave tuesday morning. jill drives me to the airport at 4:30am for my 6am flight. there is an unexpected 45 minute line to get through security. i make my flight by 2 minutes. i do not listen to my ipod and my plan does not crash.
my name is luka.
i have a bruise the size of montana on my leg. i'm trying to come up with a good story on how it got there. the real story should cause people to think that i'm lying. that i'm hiding something. nobody could be that ridiculous. right?
i broke my finger when i was in 6th grade. i ran into a wall. seriously.
in college i walked into a door so hard i knocked my eyebrow ring out.
i spent a summer living with my brother in vermont and working for my sister-in-law in a warehouse. five weeks i spent in that warehouse. with pointy stuff and box cutters and lots of scary ladders. i made it out without a scratch. my last day in vermont i didn't go to work. i stayed home to pack. i walked into a doorway with my elbow and walked into the coffee table. my arm hurt the whole drive home and i had a bruise on my leg for weeks.
two weeks ago i spent a weekend in vermont. i went snowboarding and hiking and all sorts of 'extreme' activities that had me flailing past trees and slamming into poles and all sorts of dangerous activities. i wish i could say the massive bruise on my leg is from that. i'm going to come up with a really good story about how i snowboarded off a ramp, did a 360 and hit a tree.
the real story? i walked into the railing of the stairs.
bruise the size of montana. still. weeks later. stairs railing.
yes i think i'm okay. i walked into the door again. well if you ask that's what i'll say. it's not your business anyway.
my name is luka. i live on the second floor.
i broke my finger when i was in 6th grade. i ran into a wall. seriously.
in college i walked into a door so hard i knocked my eyebrow ring out.
i spent a summer living with my brother in vermont and working for my sister-in-law in a warehouse. five weeks i spent in that warehouse. with pointy stuff and box cutters and lots of scary ladders. i made it out without a scratch. my last day in vermont i didn't go to work. i stayed home to pack. i walked into a doorway with my elbow and walked into the coffee table. my arm hurt the whole drive home and i had a bruise on my leg for weeks.
two weeks ago i spent a weekend in vermont. i went snowboarding and hiking and all sorts of 'extreme' activities that had me flailing past trees and slamming into poles and all sorts of dangerous activities. i wish i could say the massive bruise on my leg is from that. i'm going to come up with a really good story about how i snowboarded off a ramp, did a 360 and hit a tree.
the real story? i walked into the railing of the stairs.
bruise the size of montana. still. weeks later. stairs railing.
yes i think i'm okay. i walked into the door again. well if you ask that's what i'll say. it's not your business anyway.
my name is luka. i live on the second floor.
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