i love you, regina spektor. i love listening to you. i love that listening to you reminds me of driving to boston with the windows down. reminds me of farmers markets in vermont. and of flowers. and of philly jill. and of summer. and sun. and that these thoughts can make me smile even when it's frigidly cold out and my car is far away and boston is far away and farmers markets are far away and flowers and summer and philly jill are all far away. all i have to do is hear "on the radio" and it all seems so close. and i want to thank you for that, regina spektor.
let's not forget how gorgeous and fabulous you are. can i maybe raid your closet some time? and that voice. and that piano. and those lyrics. and i want to be you, regina spektor. or be your friend. or your sister. or your girlfriend. anything really.
so basically what i'm saying is that unless you are regina spektor. you also love regina spektor. or you want to hear about exactly how fabulous regina spektor is today. or if you have news about regina spektor touring closer to ny than norfolk, va. if none of these things are true, then maybe you should probably not talk to me today.
i'm just saying.
other girl crushes include: ani difranco. nellie mckay. zooey deschanel. amanda peet. jenny lewis. (not that that makes my love for you, regina spektor, anything less)
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