The very first, and probably the biggest problem so far with the show is that we're already four or five (or maybe more?) episodes into the season and I still don't know (or worst, care) who I'm rooting for. From day one, I've been, generally speaking, a Goil fan. Partly because of his affinity towards using large random ceramic fruits and vegetables as conversation pieces in his rooms, partly because of his way of introducing himself as 'goil like gargoyle,' and a litte bit because I really liked the swing chair and sandbox in the Alexas Arquette room and the leg-less chair in the design student's room challenge, but am I really going to care if he wins? Probably not. During the preview for last night's episode they showed Goil on the verge of tears and I was very upset at whoever made my dear Goil cry, but after watching the episode, it turns out I really couldn't care less. This is mostly because while I feel for Goil in not being heard and feeling pushed out of the little Eric (or was it Matt? I forget which is which- which really shouldn't be still happening this far into the season) and Andrea Exclusive Club, that judge guy (again, I don't know names here although this could be less about production problems and more because I really don't care about interior decorating at all) totally had a point that you have to make yourself heard, that's part of the challenge. And also it really seemed like Andrea and Eric really didn't realize what they were doing until confronted by Goil so the whole confrontation scene made Goil seem like a child more than making Eric and Andrea seem like vilians and what's a reality show without a good villain. Which brings us to issue number three- I don't really care about the villians. Carissa and Michael are clearly the petty, annoying, coniving, lazy, whatever, whatever villians of this show but really? They're not that bad. They're annoying, yeah. They're petty, sure, but I have yet to really want to smash my tv in over their annoyingness and pettiness (see: renee, antm cycle 8). Speaking of wanting to smash my tv, the thing that really made me want to do that last night was this:

Look, Kelly Weastler, up until now I've appreciated your zany approach to fashion- your side ponytails, leggings, and that crazy frizzed out crimped 'do you were trying to rock last week despite the fact that you are clearly no longer 17. You do have a young look and you seem like you'd be fun to party with and of your judging counterparts I've always liked you the best (not counting episode 1 when Alexis Arquette was guest juding of course), but unfortunately that is no longer true. I really didn't think Jonathan Adler was going to redeem himself to me after that ridiculous 'see you later, decorator' catch-phrase but you made it possible Kelly. You, and that ugly-ass catastrophe you call an outfit. But seriously, I've wanted dresses with pants to work. I really did, but it just doesn't. Personally, most cases, I don't find it nearly as offensive as the Fug Girls ( do, but this? This is where I draw the line. The problem, really, is the dress. Remove the dress and you have a fairly acceptable outfit. I can't even say, wear the dress alone and you'd be alright, because you wouldn't. That dress is Fug! Seriously. I really think that Erik was seriously wrongly eliminated- because that dress was the biggest design faux paus going on last night. I was hoping Margaret Russell (who was kinda rocking her outfit last night) would just slap some sense into Kelly (you know Margaret is just waiting to slap someone!). That dress was ugly to the point of distracting me from the actual competition. Which, come to think of it, might have been the idea because...
OMG- dumbest challenge ever! Here's the question I would like to pose to Bravo: Do you really think the American public are too stupid to distinguish between interior designer and event planner? or is it the staff at Bravo that are too stupid to distinguish between interior designer and event planner? Because, really, very. different. things. I'm just saying. The fact that Michael's team won after he outright stated that he based his design on what he's seen from going to parties in NY and because the judges loved the bouncer who was NOT part of the design aesthetic. Goil atleast made an attempt to use unique design elements although they got drowned out by the rest of his teammates. Also, enough already with the group challenges. This could be why I don't care about any of the designers on an individual level.
The reason I bother at all is because I know Bravo can do better. I mean, Project Runway anyone? So, seriously, step it up Bravo. Get with the interior design program. Stop with the group challenges. And do something about Kelly! Give Nena Garcia a call- she'd totally help a sister out.
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